Kubota BX2380 vs Mahindra eMax25
The Kubota BX2380 vs the Mahindra eMax25! Sure this is Kubota bias but the video makes some good points. Enjoy
How To Use A Landscape Rake
Hi, I’m Ted with Everything Attachments. I’m here with Peanut, everybody knows Peanut. We are here today on Peanut’s family’s property. This is on a 50 acre field that’s near the creek in Catawba county. It’s August 8th 2013 , two weeks ago Saturday we had 13 inches of rain in just a few hours.
How to Disc Your Garden
In this video Ted talks about the Disc harrow for the Kubota BX tractor and how it’s made. Ted also explains how to disc your garden and things to look out for. Peanut disc’s the garden a few passes and then a few rounds with a tiller so you can get a good look to […]
New EA Wicked 60 Root Rake Grapple How To and Testing
Check out the new EA Wicked 60 Inch Root Rake Grapple! In this video Ted tests out our new 60 inch Grapple by cleaning up some brush and tearing down some branches. Sorry about the quality of the video but the sun was bright and we had a new camera that we are still learning […]
How To Use a Root Grapple On A Compact Utility Tractor
How To Use A Root Grapple On A Compact Utility Tractor:
Hi, I’m Ted from Everything Attachments and we’re today with our new little subcompact or compact tractor root grapple. We specifically designed it to be ultra-light and ultra-strong instead of a standard steel like in A36, we’re using a grade 80 steel with a 90,000-yield strength on it.
Land Shark Deluxe Scrape Blade
This scrape blade is the Lamborghini version of scrape blades! If you are looking for a scrape blade with all the bells and whistles then look no further. Land Shark Deluxe Scrape Blade
It’s almost Winter! Are you ready?
Nothing like a good snow storm to bring in some extra cash by scraping some driveways. Might as well put those Scrape blades to some good use!
Wicked Root Grapples Getting Stuff Done
https://www.facebook.com/EverythingAttachments/videos/10154761040601809/ Getting Stuff done with a Wicked 55″ Ultra Light Grapple!
Economy Grapple vs Premium Grapple
This guy goes over the importance of Economy Grapple vs Premium grapples. Check out some Premium Grapples
How to Drill Holes in Concrete
While it’s not the easiest thing to do this Rock Ripper Auger bit sure does make it easier! I highly recommend this auger bit if you need any sort of holes drilled into concrete. Rock Ripper Auger Bits
Check out this video of the Ditch Bank Flail Mower
https://www.facebook.com/EverythingAttachments/videos/10154746227116809/ Great for mowing around ponds, banks, ditches and road sides!! Check it out on EverythingAttachments.com